Asalaamu Alaikum!
Ramadan Calendar provides free printable resources with the goal of helping you and your children connect with the Qur’an. Since Ramadan is the month the Qur’an was revealed in, we tried to create activities for kids that would include the Qur’an for the entire month!

Our Ayah-A-Day Ramadan Calendar uses the rich visual imagery from the Qur’an to show children the Qur’an speaks of things they would understand and recognize.

We hope you are able to take some time each day in Ramadan and recite and discuss these beautiful ayahs with your children. You can download the calendar format or simply use the same activity as a colouring book. Both formats can be found in the download section.
Designed specifically for younger children between 2-5 yrs old, we created the My Little Arabic Alphabet Book and a complimentary colouring book. The book contains high contrast images to captivate your kids, and is designed specifically for tiny hands.

Newly added is the My Arabic Alphabet Memory Game, a game to help children recognize the arabic alphabets.